Friday, September 10, 1999

Evil Ed

1997, distributed by A-Pix Entertainment

Starring: Jim Friedman as Ed, Dan Malmer as Zip, Kara Killen as Barbara, and some other Swedish people

J-rock's Review:

out of 5 skulls

Evil Ed kicks ass! This movie mocks horror flicks, and does it with more ponash than Scream, Scream 2, or I Know How You Screamed with Buffy the Vampire Slayer Last Winter in the Hood.

It's a Swedish film dubbed into English, so some of the lines are unforgettable. The best is Ed's boss telling him that a scene he's editing is about "a woman getting raped by a beaver, then blown up with a bazooka."

As for the plot, Evil Ed is about a horror movie editor, Ed, who finds himself going crazy from all the brutality and violence he's seen at his job. He starts having hallucinations and delusions about Satan, his wife, and his boss. He kills them all (well, not Satan) and ends up chasing a movie cameramen and his girlfriend through a mental hospital.

If you can overlook the logic gaps and bad dubbing, Evil Ed is an awesome movie, and funny as hell.

For more information:
IMDb: Evil Ed

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