Directed by: Eli Roth
Starring: Rider Strong, Jordan Ladd, Joey Kern, Cerina Vincent, and James DeBello
J-Rock's Review:
Don't catch the fever!
Based on the previews and stuff, this movie promised to be bloody and hideously gory. Um, they lied. Cabin Fever is just a confusing, pointless amateurish film.
Basic plot - some annoying unlikable college-age kids go off to a remote cabin to party, and a hermit shows up with a nasty skin virus. One of the kids gets the nasty rash-thing, so they lock her in a shed so she doesn't infect the others, but they all start getting sick anyway, whether from drinking the water or touching the sick girl or fucking. It's kind of like how they used to think that you could catch AIDS from sharing a glass or kissing someone who had it.
Anyway, there are a lot of totally pointless and useless scenes in this movie, including a redneck kid who sits on the porch of the general store and bites people, and a hillbilly cop who just wants to find some parties.
Cabin Fever is supposed to be a dark comedy, but the problem is that it isn't funny or clever. It could've been a pretty good movie if they had gone with the whole idea of people turning on each other for fear of becoming infected, but the script just goes all over the place.
Boob factor: there are some boobies in Cabin Fever - Cerina Vincent, who played Areola in Not Another Teen Movie, shows her nice big boobies in two sex scenes.

IMDB link: Cabin Fever
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